2011Az út: lemondva aJapánt sújtó ka-tasztrófa miattAz esetleges vál-tozásokat időbenjelezzük.2011年2011The Trip: Cancelled becauseof the catastrophyWe’ll notify Youin case of any changes.ご旅行:Cancelled becauseof the catastrophy予定に変更があった場合、すぐにお知らせいたします。Our Dear Friends over there in Japan!We’re truly worried about You All, following the news on the internet continuously. Please give us updates on ourFacebook site if Yoou have the possibility (and the energyfor the extra effort) in these hard times.Also, if there’s anything we could do for You from a dis-tance, please let us know!We all hope things can only turn better from now on.Watch out for Yourselves,Andor